
How To Keep Banana Bread Fresh

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Your banana staff of life just came out of the oven, it is warm, delicious and every bite makes you wish it would stay that skilful forever. While you could probably eat the unabridged loaf, that might not be the best idea!

So how should y'all store assistant staff of life? Here are a few tips and tricks that you lot demand to know in order to keep your perfect banana bread tasting amazing for days to come.

Ingredients for Assistant Bread

Banana Bread in Pan

Before thinking most how to store assistant bread, it is of import to assess the ingredients in the bread. Looking at the ingredients that get into the bread will actually help yous determine how long the bread will final.

See my post nigh storing mutual baking ingredients for more info about maximizing the freshness of the ingredients themselves.

Most of the ingredients in banana bread are standard to nigh quick breads (check out this postal service to learn more than near quick breads in general). There is flour, sugar, blistering pulverization, salt and spices equally the dry out ingredients and eggs, oil or butter, milk, ripe bananas and maybe an extract making up the list for the wet ingredients.

The moisture ingredients are what you lot want to remember nigh when considering shelf life as they contain the about moisture and therefore are more probable to spoil first.

I affair y'all want to be sure of when picking out ingredients is to detect the near ripe bananas possible. Y'all really desire to use bananas that are turning brown or already fairly brown.

As bananas ripen, the starches in the fruit volition turn to sugar, making the bananas naturally sweeter and more ideal to go in your bread. The riper your bananas, the more flavorful your bread will be!

How To Ripen a Banana Quickly

If none of your bananas are very ripe, at that place are a few ways to speed up the ripening process. These techniques are much amend than just waiting for a week (or more than) for that banana to start turning brown!

The commencement method you can try is to identify the banana on a sheet tray, even so in the peel, and broil information technology at 300 degree F for near 15 minutes or until the assistant has turned completely brown. Let the banana cool and and then scoop out the assistant and employ information technology for your bread!

You can also attempt putting the bananas in a dark-brown paper bag and close the bag. Bananas release ethylene every bit they ripen and being enclosed in a bag will trap the ethylene and help the banana ripen faster.

It may still take the assistant a mean solar day or ii to ripen in the bag but that'due south much meliorate than waiting a calendar week or more!

Wrapping Assistant Breadstuff

Later on baking your assistant bread, information technology is important to wrap it well in lodge to help proceed information technology fresh. Always permit your banana bread cool completely before wrapping information technology.

You do not want to wrap a warm bread every bit the rut will be trapped, creating moisture on the outside of the staff of life which can atomic number 82 to a soggy loaf.

Cool the bread well and then wrap in accordance with your storage method (read on to see how to wrap assistant bread depending on where it will be stored).

How to Shop Banana Bread

When choosing a method for storing assistant staff of life, it all comes down to how quickly yous call back you'll swallow it. Let'southward accept a look at the best storage methods from shortest to longest life.

1 – Storing Banana Bread on the Counter

Banana Bread on the counter

The platonic identify to shop about quick breads is correct on your counter at room temperature. When kept on the counter, the staff of life volition stay soft and moist, tasting as it did when it was first pulled out of the oven.

All the same, bread that is stored on the counter will but last for near 4 days. Since the breadstuff is total of ripe bananas, it will exist very moist. Moisture and the right (or wrong) air temperature around food can quickly lead to mold.

Go along an center on your staff of life and be sure to bank check it or move it into the fridge subsequently a few days. The all-time program is probably just to eat it before this can happen- that shouldn't be hard to practice!

When storing banana bread on the counter, you lot should place the banana bread in a plastic storage container with a locking hat. This will allow the assistant breadstuff a little space to breathe and prevent it from becoming soggy (which tin happen when wrapped in plastic wrap).

It is also a good idea to place a slice of paper towel or a napkin in the container with the bread. The napkin will absorb any backlog wet in the container and proceed the staff of life fresh and mold complimentary for longer!

2 – Storing Banana Bread in the Fridge

If you desire to extend the shelf life of your banana bread, try storing it in the fridge. When you lot choose to store a banana bread in the fridge, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap to keep the moisture of the breadstuff within the loaf.

Refrigerators tend to be very drying environments and y'all do non want the bread to dry out speedily. When wrapped correctly, the banana breadstuff volition last over a week.

When you accept the banana bread out of the fridge to consume, you may want to microwave information technology for about ten seconds or place it quickly in the toaster.

Warming the staff of life up will restore it to the consistency that it had when information technology first came out of the oven- warm and soft. It will be simply irresistible!

three – Storing Banana Staff of life in the Freezer

Opening Fridge

Banana bread freezes extremely well. In fact, anytime you make banana bread, yous should e'er brand more than than one loaf with the intention of freezing the extra.

Wrap the banana bread in plastic wrap and place information technology in the freezer. The bread will terminal for up to iii months! When you lot are ready to savor the bread, you can simply pull information technology out of the freezer the nighttime earlier and permit it thaw on the counter- it volition be gear up for y'all by morning!

If you desire to swallow your assistant staff of life right abroad, have it out of the freezer and identify it in the oven. Thaw for about fifteen minutes at 350 degrees. You can speed up the process by slicing the frozen bread and and then heating the private pieces.

The warm banana bread coming out of the oven will smell and sense of taste just similar the mean solar day you lot first baked it!

All-time Uses For Banana Bread

Now that you have your banana breadstuff stored properly, what exactly can you use all the breadstuff for? While we love to swallow banana bread patently, you tin definitely top it with a wide assortment of delicious accoutrements.

Spread butter across the banana staff of life and drizzle it with beloved. Brand a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using the banana breadstuff. You tin can make a sweet and savory sandwich by topping the bread with pulled pork.

If the banana bread is coming to the end of its life (this can happen no thing how well you store the bread!), soak information technology in an egg and milk mix and fry it into French toast. In another post, I go over many more uses for leftover staff of life. As you can come across, banana bread is incredibly versatile which gives yous all the more reason to make extra!

After spending so much time making a perfect loaf of banana staff of life, you want to exist certain you store it correctly. Use these tips to aid go on your banana bread fresh as long as possible.

Be sure to double or triple your banana bread recipe as it is always proficient to have on hand! You can't go wrong with extra banana bread.


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